Category: /m/

  • It’s Christmastime!

    It’s Christmastime!

    Although we are still 2 months away from Christmas, I wanted to share this post now since this book will be SOLD OUT soon! This is another reusable sticker book from Usborne Books & More (see my other posts on All Better, Little Bear Needs Glasses and Kisses, Cuddles and Goodnight!). Just a reminder, these…

  • I Do It Like This!

    I Do It Like This!

    How do you eat? How do you move? How do you hide? How do you sleep? In this fun, non-fiction book, children will enjoy learning about the similarities and differences between themselves and a variety of different animals. Here are some speech and language tips as you read! Work on answering yes/\no questions Do you…

  • Top 5 Books when Targeting Bilabials /b, p, m/

    Top 5 Books when Targeting Bilabials /b, p, m/

    Bilabials are sounds that are produced by putting the upper and lower lips together. /b/: This is a sound that stops (so you can not make this sound continue, like a /s/). Producing this sound involves placing the lips together and allowing air to vibrate through the vocal folds (voice on!) /p/: This is also…

  • Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Your child will love turning all of the flaps in a quest to find the different farm animals hidden throughout the book! Usborne has two books in this series: Flippy Floppy Farm Animals and Flippy Floppy Ocean Animals. We currently have the farm animals book, but ocean animals is on our wishlist! I love all…

  • Fairy Tales (and Disney!)

    Fairy Tales (and Disney!)

    Not only do we LOVE books in our home, we also LOVE Disney! Ever since my oldest was young, I have enjoyed reading different versions of classic fairy tales to my children. We are able to compare them, discussing their similarities and differences. I also like learning about which version they prefer and their reasons for…

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