Category: /g/

  • Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Your child will love turning all of the flaps in a quest to find the different farm animals hidden throughout the book! Usborne has two books in this series: Flippy Floppy Farm Animals and Flippy Floppy Ocean Animals. We currently have the farm animals book, but ocean animals is on our wishlist! I love all…

  • Too Many Tomatoes

    Too Many Tomatoes

    I hope all of you moms had a great Mother’s Day this past weekend. I created this card for my mom, but it would also work for Father’s Day coming up! You can pair the card with some tomato cages, tomato plants, work gloves and this book for a perfectly-themed gift. If you are not…

  • Kisses, Cuddles, and Good Night!

    Kisses, Cuddles, and Good Night!

    Usborne Books & More has created another wonderful reusable sticker board book! These are so great when working on speech and language (see my post for All Better here and Little Bear Needs Glasses here). The reusable stickers really ARE reusable – when they lose their stickiness, just wash the hard plastic stickers with a…

  • Little Bear Needs Glasses

    Little Bear Needs Glasses

    This is such a cute book – especially if you have a little one that wears glasses! Similar to the All Better book (see my post here), this book has reusable stickers that your child is able to use over and over again (and then you wash them with some water and they can use…

  • Muddle and Match

    Muddle and Match

    These funny, interactive books keep kids intrigued by the many different ways to read each page. Little ones are able to make silly people/animals by changing the head, body and legs with these sturdy board books. Concepts ‘top, middle, bottom’ and ‘same/different’ can be taught. You can also talk about which animal is ‘under’ or…

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