Category: 0-2

  • Poppy and Sam’s Hide-and-Seek

    Poppy and Sam’s Hide-and-Seek

    This durable board book is sure to become a favorite as every page contains colorful pictures, a flap to lift, and 3-5 different textures! I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a training by Tobii Dynavox yesterday, and the importance of teaching core words to our young learners was reinforced! Core words are frequent (can…

  • Top 5 Books when Targeting Bilabials /b, p, m/

    Top 5 Books when Targeting Bilabials /b, p, m/

    Bilabials are sounds that are produced by putting the upper and lower lips together. /b/: This is a sound that stops (so you can not make this sound continue, like a /s/). Producing this sound involves placing the lips together and allowing air to vibrate through the vocal folds (voice on!) /p/: This is also…

  • Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Flippy Floppy Farm Animals

    Your child will love turning all of the flaps in a quest to find the different farm animals hidden throughout the book! Usborne has two books in this series: Flippy Floppy Farm Animals and Flippy Floppy Ocean Animals. We currently have the farm animals book, but ocean animals is on our wishlist! I love all…

  • Fairy Tales (and Disney!)

    Fairy Tales (and Disney!)

    Not only do we LOVE books in our home, we also LOVE Disney! Ever since my oldest was young, I have enjoyed reading different versions of classic fairy tales to my children. We are able to compare them, discussing their similarities and differences. I also like learning about which version they prefer and their reasons for…

  • Kisses, Cuddles, and Good Night!

    Kisses, Cuddles, and Good Night!

    Usborne Books & More has created another wonderful reusable sticker board book! These are so great when working on speech and language (see my post for All Better here and Little Bear Needs Glasses here). The reusable stickers really ARE reusable – when they lose their stickiness, just wash the hard plastic stickers with a…

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