Little Bear Needs Glasses

This is such a cute book – especially if you have a little one that wears glasses! Similar to the All Better book (see my post here), this book has reusable stickers that your child is able to use over and over again (and then you wash them with some water and they can use them again!).

I love the illustrations in this book, the bright colors, and the overall story of friends helping a friend in need.

This book has some GREAT opportunities to work on speech and language with your little one. Because this book is interactive, it keeps a child’s attention longer, giving you more chances to bombard them with language!

  • Concepts on/off when manipulating the glasses
  • Point to and label the animals. Does your child know what sound each of the animals make?
  • What color(s) are the glasses? Are the big or little? Are they shaped like a circle, oval or square?
  • How does bear feel? Is he happy/sad/worried/excited?
  • There are many beginning sounds used in this book. The /b, p, m/ sounds are a few of the earliest to develop and you can practice them when saying the following words: bear, mine, mouse, pig
  • This is a good opportunity to talk about pronouns
    • Do you think dog is a boy or girl? What makes you think he is a boy?
    • Do you think pig is a boy or girl? What makes you think she is a girl?
    • On the last two pages, the author uses the pronouns his, him, and he when talking about Little Bear
  • The phrases ‘Try mine’ and ‘Thank you’ are used four times in the book. See if your child can ‘read’ those parts.

I have created a book companion to accompany this book that you can check out here on my Teachers Pay Teachers page. I also have some of the pages below for you to print off and use with your child if you think they could be helpful!

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do! If you don’t have a copy of it yet, you can get it on my e-commerce site here.




One response to “Little Bear Needs Glasses”

  1. […] is another reusable sticker book from Usborne Books & More (see my other posts on All Better, Little Bear Needs Glasses and Kisses, Cuddles and Goodnight!). Just a reminder, these sticker are ACTUALLY reusable; when the […]


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